Wilks Calculator


Wilks Calculator

The Wilks Coefficient (or Wilks Formula) is used to measure the strength of a powerlifter against other powerlifters with different bodyweights.
A Wilks score is generated by multiplying the weight lifted by appropriate Wilks coefficient.

Gender - Select Male or Female.

Bodyweight - Enter the bodyweight in kilograms of the lifter.

Weight Lifted - Enter the weight lifted in kilograms.

Calculate - This will calculate the Wilks Score for the information provided. It will also enter the score in the score to beat of the "Reverse Wilks Calculator".

Reverse Wilks Calculator


Reverse Wilks Calculator

Reverse Wilks Calculator will work out either the bodyweight or weight lifted required to beat or match the wilks score specified.

Gender - Select Male or Female.

Bodyweight/Weight Lifted - Enter one of these only, and leave the other blank. The blank value will be worked out.

Match - This will calculate either the bodyweight or lift required to match the wilks score

Beat - This will calculate either the bodyweight or lift required to beat the wilks score